If you’re preparing for one of those big, life-changing journeys, this workshop is designed for you. You will learn how to develop a viable project plan, shape an appropriate online presence, overcome challenges before and after the start line and how to design a project budget and savings plan.
Dave will also explain to you how to move forward despite unsupportive friends and family, what and what not to pack and how to ensure commitment.
Please register beforehand if you would like to participate!
During this presentation The Family without Borders will share their story – about combining a happy family life, with journalistic work, running a big travel blog and… travelling without… Read more
Auf der Bühne erzählen die beiden auf humorvolle Art und Weise von Piraten und Überfällen, gerissenen Segeln, der großen Liebe und anderen Katastrophen. Auf jeden Fall aber, dass… Read more
Eine inspirierende Reise um die Welt und über den Pazifik. Nach drei Jahren Weltreise mit dem Motorrad enden in Panama plötzlich alle Straßen. Um trotzdem nach Kolumbien zu… Read more