WOOHOO, we’re ready to kick of Berlins first travel festival and celebrate a night of travel! Start with us in a weekend full of stories, brands, adventures and lots of music.
18:00h — Welcome note from the founders & a brief introduction of tonight speakers and outlook to the different stages
18:45h — Living the Vanlife (presentation)
19:30h — Life of the Traveling Musician (presentation)
20:00h — World Street Music Night * with VanderAa Band (Australia), The King Stones (Jamaica & Italy) and Amir & Lital (Israel)
We are stoked to share with you and all our friends what we’ve collected from around the globe.
But of course this is not all!
So stay curios and scroll down to find out more about our acts, speakers & all the exciting things that about to happen tonight on the different stages and within the next days.