Drinking tab water is sustainable, cheap and healthy. What many people don’t know: The water out of a pipe in Germany is one of the most controlled food products and has in most European countries a very good quality. Why than buy overpriced water from the Fiji-islands, that has been transported hundreds of kilometers and above all: bottled in plastic bottles?
Only the production of plastic bottles – no matter if recyclable or not – uses 3 liter of water per bottle and within a year so much oil, as you would need for running 1 million cars for one year. That means, even before plastic bottles are filled with water they are already harming our ecosystem. And unfortunately only 1 out of 10 plastic bottles is being recycled. And buying one here, which has been filled at the other end of the world to than fly with it again into holidays?
Doesn’t make that much sense, right? These are all pretty good reasons for us against bottled water and pro tab water. Of course out of a soul bottle.
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Learn how to live consciously with food, heritage, and culture. The African People’s Cooking School (APCS) is an institute for sustainable living. It was founded as a solution… Read more
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