Berlin is definitely not the first spot, one thinks about when it comes to German culinary expedition. Creativity, a variety of raw materials and rich flavors are all what Berlin cuisine never had. For centuries Berlin, the Prussian capital, was more about building an army and less about fine arts and -dining. This city however managed to compensate with a variety of immigrants cuisines and a greater tolerance towards new trends and nontraditional methods.
In this presentation by Itay Novik, Berlin based food designer, you’ll get a short historical review about the unglorious past (with guest appearances from Frederick the great till Herta Heuwer), till today’s street food scene. Together we will also try to define, what defines immigrants cuisines from local heritages. Don’t worry, we have enough potatoes for everyone.
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In 12 einfachen Schritten zur eigenen Bananenrepublik! Ein absurde Reise in den Stadtdschungel des Westens! Vom Rheinland bis ins Ruhrgebiet erstreckt sich ungenormt doch wohlgeformt eine unbekannte 10-Millionen-Metropole…. Read more
Wir machen es wie einst: Wir sind beim Camping an der Ostsee, die Abendsonne spiegelt sich im Wasser, Zeit für’s Abendessen. Der Tante-Emma-Laden um die Ecke ist so… Read more