Learn how to live consciously with food, heritage, and culture.
The African People’s Cooking School (APCS) is an institute for sustainable living. It was founded as a solution to the severe environmental crisis that we are facing due to extreme climate change. The students at APCS will learn how to farm and cook in sustainable ways. They will also conduct research on sustainable products and methods, and create new green businesses and initiatives.
The centerpiece of the APCS will be indigenous super foods including the oyster nut. The building itself will serve as a landmark celebrating African heritage and culture and will serve simultaneously as a community center and an international tourist destination.
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Auf einer Reise durch Afghanistan lernten Salem El-Mogaddedi und Gernot Würtenberger eine Gruppe von Bäuerinnen kennen, die den Anbau von Opium einstellten und nun das edle Gewürz Safran… Read more
Bewusstes und nachhaltiges Reisen kann so einfach sein – komm mit uns auf einen Ausflug ins Land der Inka und erfahre mehr über die vielfältigen Möglichkeiten das Land… Read more